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Legend (EPD/AlachuaCountyLID)

dLowImpactDevelopment (0)
Baffle Box/Vault with Filter Baffle Box/Vault with Filter
BAM Lined Retention BAM Lined Retention
BioRetention BioRetention
BioSwale BioSwale
Constructed Wetland Constructed Wetland
Conveyance Swales Conveyance Swales
Filter Strips Filter Strips
Green Roofs Green Roofs
Other Other
Permiable Pavers Permiable Pavers
Porous Pavement Porous Pavement
Rainwater Harvesting - Cistern Rainwater Harvesting - Cistern
Stormwater Harvesting - Pond Stormwater Harvesting - Pond
Tree Wells Tree Wells
Upflow Filter Upflow Filter